Friday, July 17, 2009

Wide open spaces...kinda.

We are making progress towards building the barn!!! Paul spent three days with an excavator last weekend clearing for where we are going to build the barn! We also cleared up by the house to make more driveway and parking space.
The view from in front of the house,


The future barn site, paddocks will go back and to the left.


Stephanie Stremler said...

WOW--looks great, except for the fact that you turned your daughter into a dog. I'm not sure that was a good improvement, she was so cute before!

JH Training said...

OK- That's kinda funny! I had to go back and look. What can I say, its a great party trick! Now if I could only figure out how to turn her back....

Stephanie Stremler said...

You might want to figure that out soon--I ain't letting that dog in the house to FAST!